Leaving Apple and Going All In On Speakflow | Multithreaded Income Episode 31 with Corey Griffin

In this episode, host Kevin Griffin is joined by software engineer, designer, and entrepreneur Corey Griffin. Corey talks about his journey from working with companies like Apple, Shopify, Vox, and Rotten Tomatoes to developing his successful teleprompter software, Speakflow. Speakflow follows the user's voice as they speak, providing an innovative teleprompter software solution. He also discusses his transition from having a traditional day job to prioritizing and monetizing his passion project and his current vision for future projects.

Corey on Twitter: twitter.com/iamcoreyg
Corey: iamcoreyg.com

Creators and Guests

Kevin Griffin
Kevin Griffin
♥ Family. Microsoft MVP. Consultant/Trainer focused on #dotnet #aspnetcore #web #azure. VP at @dotnetfdn @revconf Mastodon: @1kevgriff@bbiz.io - He/Him
Corey Griffin
Corey Griffin
family guy / founder & teleprompter operator @speakflowhq / ex- software engineer — building with Ruby on Rails & Javascript / music producer for the homies 🎹
Leaving Apple and Going All In On Speakflow | Multithreaded Income Episode 31 with Corey Griffin
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